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VOLUME XXXVII. Vy, 23 a” Aueus?, 1891—DEcEMBER, 1891,

INDEX---VOLUME XXxXVII 9 Vol. XXXVIL, Comprises Twenty-four Numbers. EDITORIAL. Page Page. Page Pages| Wall Elints sre a: adhe ahctente tee et gtee cs. seth eso s 426 | “Taxidermy and Zoélogical Collecting”’....... .-. 3 } Massachusetts Association..............-- EB he 1.357 ACITONGACKS sth sie leet se ose oe ist tu aR eed 101 | Florida Southern....,......... bene te Oc ural coat ene 327 | Tuxedo Park English Pheasants..............+-.+. 307 | Massachusetts Bird Stocking..........-...- Pex ee 206 Adirondack Wishing Rights............ SuatHe says Bo || LOWMI Ol acintlie Sees CEN pS mate Weer ieBe ets lew lA areal Byte OF Eee te oy tee Ame er ene AAAAR OCI 06 44 | Massachusetts Fox Hunt................- ey ae 349 SATHICAN, WENETADIC.£.()a clo eo de cee y ee gene 201 | Girl, A Plea for the..... Piet Bh eon aE Th 2| Virginia Rail in New York City.........-........5+ 247 | Mexican Sportsmen's Club ..,..,,..:.. nets eos abt American Military ATM.............ceceeee+-++--»-405 | Hallock, Reception t0............. 00s ces ee tees seen 142 } Western New York Naturalists’ Association...... 204 | Michigan Deer Resorts..........052.55 sseeelsuee 107 WUEUSOMDAVS acs oct) eed ose dilate scr aa sisiae ae vere... 41 | In Sunset Land (poetry)...........-....----.05 .... 2% | Whitefish in Ponds............ wheelsints. Liaise ef attains 408 | Misadventures. ..............00008 Fs AME hah! 350 Bass in the Adirondacks........ ..-sssisesersseee: 245 | Jim MeLane’s Bay Pony .........-.... ssseereseee 466 | Wolves in the Adirondacks.......... ...0::sse ees 469 | Mississippi River Adventure........... sn ot eds aad 83 Bisley and Creedmoor........ 0.05.5 sees ee cea ee eee 1 | Johnnie, a Dog (poetry).......-... cece bees eee 405.| Woodchuek, Black....... 0. ...yececsee ere eeer vase 123 | Moose Hunt up the Ottawa .....2.....2-2..-25 =... 290 Ob eWiarite; Chinas.) haoic stpaan tet hance ties een 325 PucalamazoonDayeOD sens pce ines spies 302. | "Woodtock Nestime 00. a... cen cee ence ns hee ene 268 | Moose in Nova Scotia........,. re Sie 250 California Imported Song Birds .................- TSE Sicatydidi (POLY) + saa som eae een SaGerenac stat LOZ EW OOdCOCK-MWItLED. 5 oo o..p sew aps fapsac ee es bare cee 107 | Moses, One of the Mistakes of (poetry)......... 111328 Camp-Mire mun Wald 22.22.0022. ts een cese peen oe 101 | Maine Woods, In.... ........ 367, 386, 408, 426, 446, 468 | Yucatan, A Day in ...........,....- Pe re By Ried. 9 oy 64° | Mudien’ Shooting. 7 5.: ics. ce os eae ea rear ee «348 Carpan Cahfornia. . on. teeny oe eet eens arin SU oats MAiNNeLOHEA sos a -.use ee eels sous Whe area ners meer 42 Newfoundland Caribou ......... 2.25 24+-.00see es 1387 Centerboards out in National Racing............. 1817+ Munson’s Walls (poetry)a.: 2 casn)eoeele oo 2 ae as ape 182 New Hampshire Farmers............- ite-gafe fe sem wales @hicago Restaurants oe csv - cee eee eee cere 205 | Muskoka Lake........-. Fae bee Rei cette 2 oe 82 as New York Association................5 woe hte ea , 65 Connecticut Fishing Decision................:.-... ROG} INCSEDESCLECE Sc 1 suslelane steer. a Soneld pa gaan eee 446 New York Woodcock Season....... ..2...2..-. os "46 DCCAMIBETAD AWS. oe bac oe ne oe Fil ae epee sparen eee 425 | New York City Wild Woods ... .............-... 30% Night: Shot-atsa“!Bock? 4... ec eoedeee eee 349- Deer Season on Long Island......- ...-....s-..4.. 260.) Niphit OfPeril sees. seeeke ys 4 Bett aeeene rene 286 GAME BAG AND GUN. North Carolina........-s.<.sseee whi cin bt ene Pe MeAOT Delmonico Woodcock.............+.++-- So ehe ..,-405 | Noman’s Land and Beyond .................-. 142, 162 North Carolina Quail .,......... ....,0.... ....,. 490 Fires, Put Out The........ 55.05 ses cease ees e eee 201 | North Carolina Winter Sports.......:....346, 386, 406 | Adirondack Deer...._.............22..-.+. +: 271, 291 | North Carolina Game Grounds. ......... /..... 208 Fishes, Rescue of Native.... .........2..202 sees 101 | North Sbore of Isle Royal.....................4- 48, 62 | Adirondack Squirrel Hunt...............-+.:5...45 84 | Nova Scotia Game Regions.......-....0.00 cease. 207 BSH ay Ps Oe ate eu tel Le sare oy oct B65 | (Off to the Woods ...s.....0.-6--. -neeete eee eee 407 | Aiming at Game... 1.2... 2.2 eee te eee tee eer 447 | Nova Scotia Licenses. .............0se00+-2e ree eras 163 Fishways Impassable........ a ah ite Bete Mk «! 465 4\ Pacific, islandof <4 aey ie ee eee eee oe 144 | Arkansas Outing........ iciesy Wet 48 i Societies es 449 | Ohio Deer Hunts............... Fs. Cee 1 eS, 20 WIGKIMa HCASONS ccc actces wu ae eet ech ce te tele cies. 225 Palmers Ihake, Texas. 260, n00e- ce wtp vie eho shoe CTRL YACHT RD 10S UE ery Se a Be 8 SO, tas 4B SUS 2 +223) [Ohio Gamezs! 0.0. ee ee ee eee 350 ‘Forest and Stream”’ Hnlargement............... 385 | Pelicans of Whiskychitto.... ............... ....5 202 | Bank-Grass Kmoll.............- eeu ae! S45 "Ohio Notesee bier ek lee eee rq SAA Eee 390 Gairdner’s Trout Netting...........-......+.00208- B2- | SEGSSUMIPEN IME Be. otis eee oe epee r tte ap 326 | Bears in North Carolina Swamps..,.. ......;..... 370 | Old Fields and Old Friends........—...... ......, 448 dsrninel le. besa nc 6 os ete os ey eke ed 445 | Quail Shoot in Happy Valley.............-..-+.+.. 266 | Beaver Dam Duck Club.... ....-. --.+.+-+.+-+25+ 292 | Old Man-and the Young Men ............2.+:00+- 348 Hotel Men, Woolish................5.).eneeee Socata 161 | Ransacker’s Vision............2:6..2002ee sees eee 22.| Black Partridge in America..............--....+.. 409 | Ontario Moose..........6. Si ceee ee eet eenaes 371, 890 PMAeINAMONS Was oe eee eee eee eet a ieee neeeolas 565) |GRed(Sharityi@lubsu., sseeeesk bee ctceteace et ciece 306 | Bores aud Shooting.................--- fe eee 450 | Oregon Game Grounds .,....-......005 see seers eee 325 MCeMTeN IN LELEStS err legs ee put- asisaecisllelse neds eae 265); ROCKIOS sb UP TINA IN 1 ye eae eee eae er 22,42 | Boston and Maine... ......:hes2e sees ceeeeeny sees 350 | Oregon Wildfowl.........ceccceeeserecre es oats Were 409 Labrador Exploration. .............0..sesevsee eee 181 | Sac and Fox Opening............ 00.2... -ee ee PRG. MBOSLONS NOLES pees use sess oo eels on aries gn caee apasrelsyars 469 | Pennsylvania Quail Shooting............ ...,.5,,.250 Lake Ontario Restocking ............s.:...5: 21, 81 | Saw Tooth Range, In the (illustration)........ ...427 | Boston Sportsmen..... ....... ..++2s.2225 cress 250 | Pheasants, Huropean,................ + Lac earl Lakes, Jurisdiction OVer ........2+-2.20sce0ee reese 445 | Smoke Leaves......--...2-.--eeeseveeee+ +e0+-0e++-306 | Briar Land,.... Fate Seles Sere sTE S506 79d ten) OOS . 844 Possums Up a Tree. 2. .....2-6s20- ceee owes B71 Landlocked Salmon in Bisby Lakes.......... .-... 21 | Song of a Goat Hunter (poetry) S45 AAR ARR OAEOE 346 | Camp Life Incident..........0..-26;.-25-0e cece pens 470 | Prairie Chickens and Ducks.... . UP met a patentee . 44 Lost in the Woods........ ........-.-....++.,-+-.-201 | Stories ef the Santa Lucias..................--+-- 182 | Camp Recollections ........,....+......+++./:...-2391 | Quail in Kamsas.................0..4- 2, ee eee 429 TORII CAAT OMe i's: os His eens sits ice eee :..,. 21 | Swallows (illustrated), ......0....-:002se seer ewes es 48 | Canada Moose.,..... .-.... Bis BSS! fines. EBs 55 0 184 QupilscMreale. .. ntuse cotste oe oil et tebe agers. aT Minnows in Ponds........... ...,:.- Pp enn aaa 345 | Tale of the Old Woods..........-....... seeeeesaey 202 | Chatham Association..............-,.+----+- 207, 382 | Rhode Island Game Interests......... ......---:.- 390 MOT ev TAL Ecc, cul Aceleet-teiey= viola, «sn)s eit slots eire etsy pial 6i|iPexas) TURKGYSs, 1, so cue heen cr See ne iia ae OF 306 | Chicago and fhe West...... 25, 45, 65, 85, 108, 125, 146, | Saginaw Crowd............... ees ees eeees 164, 388 November Days.........-.. sss.s25 -eseeee+s+s...940 | Transcontinental TPAy tla ae eee Gan yee 366, 406 164, 205, 230, 248, 311, 331, 376, 389, 410, 429, 448, 469 | St. Vincent’s Island........ ........-.»- oy, eee 368 November pico Bett Peon is bete coats Ab dap tied oar S65) | SV Dye PrObestak 44 meat aes tems cea Ee 2 | Chicken Hunt in the Nation........... -...++. «++. 107 | Shawangunk Notes.....:....0..05 cesses a) Se ath Overvoi ete eth DE pee 5 25 SS ped Gores SoC hao s = DOB NViesh Var oa. POU tse ek str aelstasshdals onion mess aise a BP leGloOsersGiips oe cates chiens en eee eed pw eel afore alece eas 109 | Shawangunk Wild Hogs..........-.-.-..---. PO tateenth October Voices.......-.....55- A Se nee 246 ClOSCE TOR SHGHS fe) 22. ps cco este on te enh otra bein 450 | Shore Bird Incident........ Sad daw Shue Te 107 Ottawa and Creedmoor... ...-00+........ 00+: 121, 141 Compass in the Woods.,..............-...350, 410, 470 | Sleeping Bags.............-...- OPT a ede B57 Parks, National..... Sabot. “tip Teac suk sr 385 == = | Compass, Knife and Watch....... ........ .......332 | Small Bores and Big Bags ................ TREE ceed Pond, Game Protector.............+ EA ce amp bcoace! 141 Connecticut Association............... »-...--..-.-390 | Small Bores for Big Game.... .. .. ....ees2aeses AY Revolver Championship..... ........c0-..sseeeees 201 | Connecticut Birds. ....5...--2.eses cose vtec 44 | Sora Hunt on the James River ice Po | Se 268 Revotver Shoot........ ...... bbe aiirvne eterna 465 NATURAL HISTORY. Coon of. SplitsRock.. 000. ~ 5 cee tee eset one ee 369 | Spring Shooting........ ... .-.. 24 oe BBY Rifle Ranges, English.............-...0-.-00. csees 121 @oons in “Banks’s Holler’. 2...) cnc 2424, eee 808 | Sportsmen’s Joint...........0:....ee0eesyeeed ves 310) Rhode Island Association, ........... Pra A ees 295 | Alaska Seal Island..........-....., SE as Be ¥4 | Coyote Bounty.... ....:-.....- rah AAU: Mee eretarsts aes 25 | StillHunting Deer Dogs... .1..-.50.c+n-- rss 185- . Salmon in Nets in Canadian Rivers............+... 425 | Albino Muskrat......... 1-2. ..esesreereeer ees A, 64, ‘107 Currituck Bay Birds.... ...... ....-.... -...229, 249 | Still Hunting With Bird Dogs ..... _ 64, 107, 145 Salmon Trout Salted... 2.2.2... ...seee eee e eter eee 81 | American Ornithologists’ Union ..................8 347 | Dakota Wild Goose Shooting. + seeerves seee-++. .-390 | Suffolk County Association...... ste eS Bey erty 2 SO OTP Ed ieee Rep eo ter, foes i Be Ory at RIO Oot 285 | Beaver and Sunken Wood...... ........+-....5 82, 163 | Darling Jonathan............cs00-sss «= Py AM 165 | Three Turkeys ata Shot.... ...... ae BET Bevtember Days......... ee FS eras eet ee 161 | Bendire’s “Life Histories of North American Deer and Caribou. Noosing.............. ....22-05 PATS) ead Wailis.ie..., Maes oe ee eeee a ae ee Sharks in Northern Waters...........0...00605 ee 21) Birds’....-....-.-::1es-04 seaee foes eee renee 387 | Deer in Wisconsin Woods... ...........+0.54-5 2005 291 | Tolieston Game Dinner....... Bere es ets Seis alah etrouGlitw.cssatsek el setaade ede dees = seu 405 | Bird Collecting..:..............0.- sean sees 208, 227, 267 | Drumming Grouse Stalking.................-. ... 247 | Topeka Notes....... PN rey yo ae 271 Steam Yacht Possibilities. ...........ec0ssceeeeee es 1 | Birds Nesting Late........ 0.0.20 ...0.2 cent ees ieee 183 | Ducks in Central America. ........ ....- ..s----- 448 | Trophies, Preserving.. ..........2sc+s+e02e0+ aces 208 Biicole wWaltoreln t. Ai neu dencst se hen ote 265 | Birds of Manitoba.... .....-.¢505 seve reese rcayees 3 | Ducks in Convention ............ = Gon SadbtAciys ton 248 | Two Weeks Out of Purgatory......,........5 124, 145: “Summer Camp-Fire ...........-....-0-- neuen »..:. 1| Birds of the Chehalis Forest..........-......---.. ga fs Wire Wiphtinis occas -5 fesse ek ER ale eos elses 270 | Virginia Lands Posted........... .... Ao, Pekan 4.428 Tolleston Club Suit......... Sin beer ee ed nee 365 | Birds, Some New Varieties Of........-.-..-...085 268' 1 Woating for Deers....-6. hp. ones sacs sees wae 164 | Weapons for Game............ ---.+. xg ase tee HO Trout, Artificial Rearing................ Bp AAR in 345 | California Song Birds..........-20ss+eceee sree beens 204 | Florida Birds of Plume..............04 s-+...--+-- BAT" Wicomieos 4.028 slo Sih ee ee eee 370: FErOUt PBLOM MEN Se EOOK Gio. s.be eet ne my poems antes 285 | Carolina Paroquet.........---...+.:+-0e++> 44, 64, 183 | Fox Hunt, Novel.... ........-.,.+- Vo echke-s Qoease 357 | Wildfowl, Among tHe eee ee 32.4 >See 289 Mwo Pictures... 2. .e.e.e wees aes s eentices gate ated Si) hip rainy BLACK 2. oe sees niga satan erate ere BOT >| HUT BTOCOLMICT cc tc5 cite pee etlen) ore okie ieee eben 271 | WinprewL, Amone THE (Illustrations), : WielmoOnUeistEO, Sete toe he eem rs avcdebeas) eirelecirie se B25 || Death Valleys oi. ic. stee sct ene were rases seers ser $3)| ‘Game Depletion, sy. 2.5. Le Shstecin any re be mle se ne 411 I, “‘Justas they were when I took them’’,......126. NVANDED ViGICES Es. to 8. as Fee sh esas y mt aseernre ..-..445 | Ducks, Food of Young......-.-..---- go 409) |\GamerHiclis a... 0.6 oped) cal eemiaare te noua eats 390 | If. Just Arrived—Broadbills and Sprigtails.....145 World’s Fair Anglers’ Reunion.............+....5- 81 | English Pheasants in America......,......... 123, 144 | Game Fields, Notes from..........-..-..-.. -. se 183 Ill. ‘“‘Where Ignorance is Bliss.°7.... .....0.... 164 Wachtipg Bbawishics, 2.0. eer see nee 265 | Fur Seals’ Fate........ .-..:+. 287, 307, 327, 347, 368 | Game Supply..........-...-.--- SSN the os oe eo a 390 IY, Black Duck—See Him Jump, ...,......... 184 Yellowstone Waters Stocked........,...+....4.. .305 | Game Birds, Rearing .............+0--+2.-++ +> 123, 183 | Gossip of Game and Guns....:.... ..... Ure 5 310 Vi. “You Son-of & Gum... wi iat ee 205, Game in the Yellowstonme...............:-+-++++++ 427 | Grouse, Habits of.....-.. Pr sr eet 207, 390, 410 YI. Dead for a Ducat—At Sixty Miles an Hour.229 Grouse, Habits of.........--....+. « «++ +163, 426, 469 | Grouse in New York City..-.22.... .:..++ g:c+-++-388 | VIL. Rafting Fowl—A Frequent and Tantalizing ay Grouse in Confinement. ....- 20.12. -.srtsee ese eee 4 | Grouse Hunting in New Hampshire...............204 PX PeCTICHCe>.. i sine ieee ca beeteegereet ts .. 269 Hermit Thrush, Song Of ......1...-.seeescee serene B87 Grouse; WaysiOb-c 1.5 pup ues Son nse era ie 126} VIEL. Broadbills—aA Trifle Suspicions cas oe 239, Hornaday’s “Taxidermy” .....-.....---+s22e. sees 3 | Gun, Dog and Camera.........2.esje1 tees eee eee 450| 1X, A Crippled Canvasback Makes a Good SPORTSMAN TOURIST. Idaho Wield! Notes... i m1k-secvrehe pees) seeenss! 346 | Guns, Notions about...05......0..022-2:eegeeeee ees 228 Degdy), ck: set aks Roane Jay, Antics of a Tame....-.. ........ «.. Peete ees 307 | Hammerless Guns Safe... .........2..0s0004. be: 125| X, A Double on Mailards......... i Onin cee eee oe ADIRONDACK LiFE: Kagu and Fillalloo.,.......-....-+2rrrerersees ....869 | Handling Guns. ......2.-s00es sees ee. 108 | XI. Will They Come?........ S ateh ne alert Adirondack Memories..........,.+.... -.. 103, 104 | Leaves from a Notebook, .......5.-.:++20+-2s2e2- 2 GSS) EROMICOMUGAMI hoe ee ns eke tee ee nie fa mc eed eeent eee 329 | XIL Broadbills and Canvasbacks—All Quiet oh Adirondacks in 1853.02... 12... eee sees sees 256 | “Life Histories of North American SRE oo. 8875 | Foricom Clap sume s poe cooks ee eh ese soy 206, 230 fhesPotomac. s= = --.... 8 eee ee Fr 369 Adirondacks in 1858 .......-.....-2.--2s.e0+++. ..103 | Mantis Shrimp ........-....ces0se races sere .....,.106 | House Boat Hunting.......... scessesepeeeeeeres 350 | XIIi. On the Uelery Beds........ nue 289 Adirondack Hospitality of the Olden Times...., 106 | Marine Biological Investments, Sieg Rieti +s+.... 83 | Hunter’s Badge.................-... See ole peer U3) XIV, Redheads—A Cosey Spot in the Wild Cireumnavigating the Adirondacks,.............104 | Martins in Confinement......... 0 ....-.0-..--1se 3 TAAHOSHUNEELLRR CS: Bek hat Retowases late ss team pee 4 Rice ge. wea ts. sneee Boi ok oa pan 2 ADD Two Weeks at Spruce Lake.....-.......+-0+s+0 104 | Michigan Bird Notes........ ...2-2.sseseeeetessees 3} Indians and Game........--.0. 2..e.ee epee seen eens 108 | XV. The Gathering of the Clams........ ........ 449 Upper Adirondacks in 1856..................000 106 | wojave Desert in Winter..... SE agit en eae yee SRE ates 368 | Indiana Sportsmen and Farmers,......... ... ....411 | Wild Geese, Flight of...... bach ihe Fh Sete . 450 ATONE -(BOCLDY) on; mee oo terete eur 62 | Monkey Talk........-+02..--+. =P OR ROEE oe nost co 408 | Iowa Ducking Grounds.......- .. Bere ees A a wt 65 | WildfowlGrounds .....:.......:-.--.+- Levey eee 86 Bass Fishing in Guadalupe .................... 5. 366 | Opossum’s Habits ....... ...... » piaie aoe Hecate nan 64 | Limitations of Game Killing. .............4..-+... 470 | Wild Rice..... seal Arce wet Shere re ay rain We wee dg ORO EEL Te TRS is GCs eae ewe ey a Oe Potter 148 | Pearl Fishery..............-+-- BEE Ay aerate, 228 | Little Peat’s Point............ ..- sevesssceres «+84 | Wild Turkey Hunting......... eA esc ritie a cee UD . 24 Boston Sportsmen. oo i.c vuseeee sea adav we bends 182 | Pennsylvania Bird Notes..........-+++-sss025 83, 182 | Locked Elk Horns.......... so spree teen ee canes 250 | Wisconsin Ducking.... . we a eae Buek Wied NOGSHOOb. 0. ccs ku cect es ences seeeees 1435 Porcupites ne ise cece cite ln me eee oe 24, 44, 307 | Lostin the WoodS.......--...0 .26.. ee eee eens 271, 350 | Wisconsin Game.. ........ ..... ee ae eee ¢ ®ampers and Campers..............e0eeeeeeece sees 23 | Quail in Confinement........ .-....-+ ae ee 83 | Maine Bears in the Worties.............-...... .--146 | Wolves, Story of:........... 01. 6 ian tay a2 preg Canoe Recollections......-.,.-.eecessescsas snes > :467°-| Rattlesnake. Bites) a s..255.ndeaelelalsinaw oe ee|e ener « 24) Maine Game... ...........-- SAT We eee tae et mares 331 | Woodcock at Bay Ridge..............0. . peters 357 ‘Garibou Land........ Mecsogae sac orodaces Sob Laas es 326 | Rattlesnake, Good-Natured..........-.++.++ «s+ «7; 44 | Maitie Game Laws......2-5--- -e-+--2e-e--+2 45 | Woods Life, Hints for............ 2 rng ae tilt Chinese Snipe Shooting....... Pere ies Ce petaces .... 2| Robin Roosts in Summer.....--. Be ocery ee ...447, 468 | Maine Game Wardens ....... ... ..:..55 .+.......270 | Woreester Fur Company’s Hunt....... Tt AeA 02 BBO. Colorado “Outing oo... eaaces cr seevewsivice sees - 102, 122] Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Nest of (lustrated). .. ..368_ Maine’s Big Game,........ Sere kee eel erey 207 | Worcester Notes tic. ia cc.csesese oslo unre geteta geen oe ‘Dream (Poetry)............,.-- AN Aer ott S ARH 468 | Ruffed Grouse, Ways Of........ 222 seeeeeeeee PAT Marines Woods 2c = Wawa s sates cas ope haees ier .228 | Wyoming Reminiscence........-2.-- -5+2-...-.4 4 Ephraim and Cherries. .. ....2.. ces caeccueevess , 82 | Shark Habits, ........,.. se. sessees , 807, 328, 368, 408 | Massachusetts ...... .... poe ae eS A OASHHE 450) | - Yellowstone Parke, f). 18 2 eatin ye ees eee f u = : i a a = | a wm AS le a


Page, ; Hartly Fishing. .........6...6. 52 wesc eee ee eee 451 | Potomac River Fishing.......0ss:0..esennete essere 148 PAGE.

in Back Cast... Ae A cy Ph; eer 4e1 | Hngland, American Fishin. ... ..... Beak ee Ley 128 | Prepared but not Ready........-.jeecprasier pene ee 334 | Acclimatization of Dogs.........¢se.ee+ eee pees oe Le Asirondaék Fishing Rights.....)..¢..c0ese see. 0 BBB Fish and Fishing in Pioneer West...........-.-... 26 | Rainbow Trout and Junebug.,......-.--..---.-++- i4g | Albany Show, The............ AB pets apt er oe +2433 _ Adirondack Hospitality of tie Olden Time........106 | Fish and Game Commission, Ontario............:. 41 | Rainbow Trout Playor......s222..s nce e eee cee 187 | Albany Decision, THE. ......5..-. seer esse esses 433 Adirondack League and State Lands.............. g | Hish and Game, GOMNECUCUG aes acca e ye a, Pee « 49 |} Rainbow Trout in Vermont................ 0400035. 148 | Alberta, Canada, Field Trials .. ...........-...-1192 Adirondack Memories... ..ccss cesses OA Fe. ...103 | Hish Commission, New York.............. 149, 234, 334 | Rainbow Trout of the McUloud.........-...4...-- 66 | American Coursing Club’s Meet, The..... .. ..,..298 MMGTRGHUA CE TROUE +. cece cHecciehe cples ducilcauee eee apg | Fish Commission, Pennsylvyania....... ..... 4. 452 | Rainbow Trout Planting’.........0. 6 ...ssee eres es 3190 | American Kennel Club, The... ......-..-..-.---- 183" Adirondack, Cireumvavigating the ........... ... 394 | Fisheulture in Mexico.......,. ivi et ARAN TOM DR odaURTGO ee ett sewn dest meee AnLEE Eerie 999 | American Kennel Club Meeting. ............- 213, 433: Adirondacks, Flies for............ Hee ern, gg | Pisheulture, Wisconsin .... 0... 0221 weeees see meee 8 | RubbersWaders:....-- .iceccecrer + cec--ev--.-.., 7 | Antonio vs. Maid of Kent, 2u-rés..c2.. eee ssss A Adirondacks, The, in 1858......... EA a aS, 103 | Fisheries Convention, International..... ........- 353 | Saco, An Afternoon On..........s0....2eeee eens oe 7 | Appeal to Lovers of St. Bernards, An....,....... .276 ' Adirondacks, The Upper, ia 56. 108 Fisheries Meeting, International,.... ....... .....385 | St, Lawrence Pickerel.........,--.-- +--+----> __..214 | At the Dog Doctor’s..... cient ee eevee 130 Adirondacks, Wane of the... ..........- Lee acane 301 | Bishes tor The Wier GSS HAG meenes eagerecir crest 430 | St, Lawrence River Fishine..............-. 28, 88, 167 | Baltimore Suits Settled, The .............0..000...358 WWisherman’s Song. ,..........cc0402 Ge eee ees gg | Wish Hatchery for Vermont,........... “SESE RSODE BY NCO TRINOEGH ia meme ken Wit oeen ena cmertlea cera adit cs DEB | BATZOIS.. 2. ee. yee e Peabo cence ed ete leds udaa teeny 337 Roe Man deGlliei tna ites dos dacs ex toy seco no sao ap IMIShsHaAtching In MainGe;i4 ag ccbuceued. Sse - seer DO oN Ih, WinGenWwe ISIANGs 1.2. ees see tbe ee ory tens COO Barzoi Discussion; The... 7,02. .7+ 5 190¢- peewee 278) “Oingti alco Rolie Megs Gene eee cere 35, HishiG Seton COLeSt. eve. alee eel. Ae agee es Renee 121 | Salmon, Abundance of ..........0...--2000 187, 258 BAT ZOMPOLLESL, 25 ce ht cc steer ele prone «pla p eens pslkeeae wea 45 Biter ATTRA W'< ene Roar o me Faene nny - 02357: 53 | Wishing Rights in New Jersey... ....----..-...-. 127 | Salmon and Nets in Canadian Rivers....... ...... dor | Barzois, Mr, Hacke’s... 20sec eee ees 151, 435 Alewives as Egg Destroyers .....2..0-0.200. 0 L8T Fishing Rights in the Adirondacks............. .. 325 | Salmon and Trout, Why Rise to Artificial Plies.. .412 Barzois Importation........- ce ds ote Eee saeey 89 Alewives in Lake Ontario.........- Faeovag par ght 44, | Fishing Through The Tee.........-.. ..1...-: 411, 471 | Salmon, California, for the Battenkill......... 210 | Barzois—Psovol ......-.. 6.0. resp eee een eesti »-. 296 Alewives in Mill Pond...........,.....-5 6 esses gg | Fish Protectien, International. .................-.292 | Salmon, California, for Long Island.... ... _.210 | Beaufort Returns to England ope pros Ate oh ob eeeROD" Alexandria Bay fishing eer oe ARR Ree 2.128 Fishways.... ee vite 22 SURAT US EAR Fle fre 0c wal ty cred 1. .BD2 Salmon, California, Hatching say fed Ace ST 295 Beaufort’s Home Coming.... De iets eb ae are a oDd Alexandria Bay, Nets Captured in .............. i2g | Pishways, AIFOSOMeRL Vereen. se elnladc 3 s\<\) Beiewtvae 413 | Salmon, California, in Hurope .. ........ ..... 28 | Beagle Club Trials, Tne National......... 254. ATT, 396 Amber Fish at Cape Cod..... .......-- et» iia 8 110 | Fishways, ERT DASSUO Otte? bisccspe cc -yernt aia aes 465 | Salmon Fisting at the Grance Discharge.... .... 110 | Beagle Wield Trials. .-...-.- 04. ---seer teres ihe Gy ilt American Visheries Society............... Meriesahe 50 | Hishwaysin the Susquehannah.....,....+..+.+14. 362 | Salmon Fishing on the Caseapedia..............., 127 | Beagle Field Trial Entries, .....,..-.........-- tas. 337 A Michigan Bass Water..........-..-- _ osese....g51 | Bishways of the Kankakee.... .. .... ...........844] Salmon Fishing, The ........--..22. 22. .e2seeee 68 | Beagle Training (poetry) ..-....-... 2.1 ccseyae as OR TA Monster Sunfish... ..2...-..scheneeseee gees ... 68 | Fishways, Points ADOUt.-.--. 660 cere eeees eee ..365 | Salmon for Vermont... .....c.. cs se ee eeeeep eee ee 334 | Beagle Traming............ ..-:.--.+:- Sepligas 81, 50 PANO ONGHANGNT cg. geet). gene et es ol Hlorida, The West Coast of......-.-0. 2:2) .s5+ ees 374 | Salmon Hatching at Karluk...........5. .......+- 325 | Beagle Kennel, Plan for a...,.--. -2-.¢-). ses ~~» 483 Anglers’ Association of Onondaga .........., Ply-Fishing Club, Chicago.......-+0 +++ ese see es PAT de Tri Gra aS iraras are. L. cokil eee eanee ce 471 | Beagie Champion Lonely, The ......-..--).-.s4-- 1380 Anglers’ Association, St, Lawrence................ Ply Materials, Duty On...0....s cess scsi tests ee eee 69 | Salmon in November... .... ... ...++. :....:. . 443 | Beagles Lonely and Countess (illustrated) ....... 11z Anglers of the St. Lawrence...............-..- Wly-Rods for Ladies........,........-. eetteses vans 234 | Salmon in the Merrimac........ .......0.---eeee ee 88 | Belgium Satter, What is a-.....5.0..2seeecseey ves a9 Anglers’ Protective Club, Rangeley, Me 3 Ply-Tying and Dry Fly-Fishing, .......-..+-......4 71 | Salmon in the Penobscot... ...........-.s224seee es § | Benching at Montreal, The...............-.5+2+++. 285 Anglers’ Reunion at Worla’s Fair.,.......... -... Fur Seal, Fate of. —..... 285, 287. B07, 327, 247, 368, 387 | Salmon, Landlocked, in Bisby Lakes.............. 21 | Bloodhounds, Disposition of.............. Ne oe eae Angling in Southern California......... ...... ...209 | Gairdner’s Trout, Netting of..,- .....----.....++- 325 | Salmon, Landlocked, in Moosehead Lake,..... 49, 69 | Blue Grass Kennel Club Entvies,.,. -.....,-..-). 191 ‘Angling Notes, ...7, 28, 47, 68, 88, 110, 127, 167, 185, 209 | Game Protector Pond .........--.... 6) 2 es oe 141 | Salmon, Landlocked, in Maine Lakes..,...... ... 28 | Blue Ridge Kennels, The.. g .. 50 398, 412, 471 | Gasconade River Fishing...................---..-- 28 | Salmon, Merrimac River,... ... .....-.....650-- 110 | Boggs’s, S. Iu., Impor tations, Description 0 of... .29, 30

Angling on Mammoth,.. .. .......... 225. ssa besels a7 | ‘‘Genesis”..-.---.++ Se. cutrta ht cS rte erate te 352 | Salmon, Moisie River ............-.- cesses 0+ ween 27 Barents Girl, Purchase of (Dog Chat).. _ 378 PAserer dryers wall gen FAUT rer toyen ees t/a -forse setetetsaht eek nike 128 | Gilead Slough Gar Pikes .......-...¢:2+ ss. ss4s 055 210 | Salmon, Pacific, Angling for..... .. ........-..-5 47 | Brake, Pointer, Death of (Dog Chat).....,........, 52

_ An Illinois Catfish.-.. Rie pe ee _ ag | Gravois River Fishing.....-.......... -..) -...5-- 102 | Salmon, Pacific, forthe Hudson.. .....-.....-.5- 314 | Brunswick Fur Trials....... cane 189, 236, 357, 377 ACOTGE DECISION. 5 cow danke Pee ese inten aie ae a9 | Grayling in Michigan.........--.............++--.,209 | Salmon Planting in the Hucson............. -..-. 293 | Buffalo General, Sale of (Dog Chat)............... By

| Barnegat Bay Fishing........ ...:.-+2.<..45-. 167, 209 | Grayling of Gallatin River........ ....-......-+.+. 167 | Salmon that Persist in Being Caught.............. 305 | Bulldog Pluck (Dog Chat).... ......-..-.)-:-..- » 51

Be eBassand City, Sewage... .)..0jcceec cence eG ce cdas 431 | Grayling of Madison River..-........ ....- .----+ 110} Salmon, The Merrimac ......::....-5....5..-.000- 21 | Bull-Terrier Jack, Death of (Dog Chat),...... ..,112

MeeBase Mate Basen. lho ee, ie sce se eae, it ie 359 | Grayling or Whitefish.... ..........-..-...:.-..,.. 48 | Salmon Trout of the Yellowstone................. 458 | Ceesar Leonberg, Death of ... .. ....... .. .....28% Bass Fishing in Greenwood ake..... ....... .... 49 | Grayling, Rocky Mountain, ...... -... ....... %, 68 | Salmon Trout, Salted.. .......0-..:...5:. Geese g1 | Canker of the Bar,.........0. 255-2 2222-5 23 180

_ Bass Fishing in the Guadelupe..,............ .... 366 | Great South Bay Fishing. .......-..-.1-..e.eese 110 | Salt-water Anglers, Boat for...,.........-.....-.- 465 | Canadian Trials, The.........--:..05 ss) ssss-- =s- 238:

Bass Fishing in the Monocacy................. .. 48 | Hemlock Lake Bass, The.... .........---....-- +: 5a li Ganrannc Mmakeurroutwee: ice pmryaater nae a oes: 167 | Cashier’s Winnings........ 0.22.2. .-2 2 senses sees 398 Bass for the Adirondacks?,......... ......-..-... 245 | Hemlock Lake Poaching ........ .... --.... Bt ieee 245 | Sea Fishing, South Jersey........0. eee _167 | Central Field Trials .....-....... 235, 206,397, 418, 431 Bass for the President 2... 0 .... cece cece eee ee 110 | Hemlock Lake, Set Lines in .... 1.22... .s.2..54-5 19a eShieds dheubze WiaaGr eres eee enters poe ewer ams g | Central Field Trial Club‘s All-Age Hntries....,... 387 Bass in the Adirondacks.................. __. 273, 323 | His Majesty Esox Lucius....... 06... essere ss 391 | Shad, Late Spawning of........-. ....-.-... e200 gg | Christmas, 1891............ ----+++ -ss eens rees Ai Bass in Virginia..........-.. A a wre, 9 412 | Hotel Men and Vishing Interests.............-+.-. 161 | Shad, Some Giant........... .....-.. 0 _.... 49 | Churn Dog Stories.... ..-..- +... 2s tect eee eee eee 9]

Bere iiccriredt hehe cea srtraen Sau sasy ahve (ihe. seta 110 | “How Long Will Trout Live?”....-. bs baw cepts 353 | Shad, Young, in the Delaware. .. ................ 334 | Cincinnati Show _...... + +21 eee e eter eens 151, 276 Bass, Seneca Lake..... 20.0.0. -65 cee eee ysbaes 209 | How to Preserve Fishes........... -...-.......--. BI SOhark- NOvCgee cre as treat eae Meco peteeim enn rae 408 | Climate on Dogs, Effect of..... ..-----.-+5.5) =+: 112

- Bass, Small-mouthed, near Chieago............... 419, | dilinois Wishing... 2.2.0... ee eee ee 110 | Sharks and Dogfish ..........-2.2-.6 6c. eeeceeeee ee 69 | Collie Mother Shipton, Importation of Mog Chat) 5%

| Bass, Tadpole as Bait for ,..............02 2.5 see #9 | Illinois River Fishing, The....-........ ........--- 67 | Sharks and their Way8............2- | ----seeeeses 271 | Corbett, Mr. H. C. (Portrait of).........-...-..-.-. 193 Bass, Where Tuey Abound........ 00.2.0 2.0... {aj | dllinois River, Workse. . capt t ee. e ee eee ee 166 | Sharks, Weeding Habits of....... ..........-. 307, 328 | Coursing Meet, The. .......- Po ralictekiy sent sc 316 Base Wiktite: Hatching .fc.. seen ce- cesar ete g | Indian River (N. Y) Fish .., ....---.....0+ s20-- 409 | Sharks in Northern Waters..........-../....-.... 201 | Cup, D. C. Luse (illustration)........ Se ey peat! Bay of Quinte Fishing... © .......0¢.2:.2ccsee 313 | isle Royal Fishing..........-..-... AES GEneniy = ate 48 | Shark’s Tooth, Poisoning by .....................106 | Cup, National Greyhound Club’s Derby (illus } » 295 Horkshire Trout ClO), ha.) vaeedcc devvieaadeds ieee gg | Jointed Sinkers.... ................. fst AN 8 | kate, Wound by............-0- -:+-+-=: sas ML 128 | Czar’s Great Dane, The (Dog Chat).. Site "816 Bim Oatchessier ct ae sania ssesstes | eae aoe 127, 253 | Juniata Bass............5-0. eee eee eee ie aot RO hayes pieb bebe sel Mae) Pete nthe ere 591 | Danbury Dog Show.... .-......--++--++0e: 237, 254 Big Fish Bat Little Ones.......0.2..-.0...0.0000e0s j47 | Juniata, Nets in. .....--reee secre ee sees eee vets eens TRSYE PIGIS ra TEPSfEL Tar hp ae Darr er ok CAGES Pees 465 | Deliberate and Hasty Judging.......,-.-.--.. -.. 216 Biggest One Got Away.... .....-..--...2----...-.275 | Jurisdiction Over the Lakes................. ELTA | PSOE (UE eta ees Pog ee one cnet peas 327 | Devon Shot and Devon Daisy, Importation of....455 ‘Black Bass at Reed's Bay .... 0.2.0... 2.405. _ 68 | Kalamazoo, A Day on the................ ..203] Spruce Lake, Two Weeks at.................--.05 105 | Doe, Death of ...... -2. eens eee teens ee one 9 Black Bass Fast of the Alleghanies........ ....... gop | Kankakee, Dams of.....-..--..1-- 2-1 -14e- eee as 313 | Stocking of Private Waters.... ............ ..... 201 | Dogs at Canadian Shows, Number of (Dog Chat) .236 Black Bass Fishing in Upper Potomac. ..........210 Kentucky Notes -...... tee eae eh, acarher 48 | Stone Dam, The Big Trout of...................... 312 | Dog Census (Dog Chat)........ -.---..-..:- feet 214 Bluck Bass Fishing. Potomac.................. ... 253 | Kingsbury. Dr. Charles A., Death of........ -.... 234°| Striped Bass at Hell Gate............. 2... css 127 | Dog’s Devotion, A............ sree sree eee sere 69 Black Bass in Hemlock Lake.,.... ............-- Top) Kainefistersy Thee 2 in. eee ee eee ogee 421 | Striped Bass in a Mill Pond.............-......4.5- 68 | Dog’s Instinct vs. Man’s Knowledge... fee yee Black Bass in Sandusky River............. 0.000005 371 | Lake Hopateong Bass Fishing.............. ...... 68 | Sunapee Lake Wishing, .,........,.-..;.0csees seuss 49 | Dog Pound, San Francisco (Dog Chat).. 214

‘Black Bass in West Virginia.....-...-.-.+06-.. 1. 310 | Lake Mahopac Fishing ....-..-......--...-..-6005 47 | Sunapee, The Name........0.2.....06ede0ce teens 3 | Dog is Property in Texas, The......... ...-...... 338 Black Bass in White Oak..... ... ...... ___...£...16g | Lake Matamiscontis Fishing .. .... ing eee 234 | Susquehanna Fishing Notes ...................-.. 27 | Dog Show Menu, Freeport, Ill , (Dog Chat)-,.. .. 455. Black Bass, Large....... ig ee rar rr sy 303 | Lake Michigan Wishing -.....,.........:..-... .-.2%2 | Susquehanna River, Note on... ....-........:. 4 410 | Dole and Comstock, Arrival of (Dog Chat)........ 52

_ Black Bass, Large, from Delaware River......... 219 | Lake Minnetonka Fishing ............... ...... Ae] Pte sen eels YY Sey AR AR ee Rien Tel ailnn Rae ela As v74 | Dome-Shaped Skulls..........--- .+3: poet, eter Ape Black Bass, Large, from Lake Champlain... ...210 Lake Ontario, Restocking..... . ............--. 21, 81 | Tamagamamingue Lake Trout................-... 197 | Drugging Dogs for ShOWS..........-.----+ -- +040. 9t Black Bass Law of Rhode Island,.... ...,..-....- gq | Lamprey Kel, The..-...--.... 0... 2-4-2 bese sa 292) Tarpon at St. Augustine......-..........-...--.-- ev | Duchess of Arlington, Importa‘ion of (Dog Chat).455- Bluefish, Abundance of.... ...2..05.005 veeeeees 47, 4g | LamMpreys....--.0--- sees sees sess 2, s2e0+0......,.338 | UVarpon Fishing, Preparation for ....,.....-...-...2%2 Duke of Maplecroft, Dr. Sewell’s Letter on (Dog © Bluefish at Perth Amboy.....-.... AS ee a 3g | Leaves froma Note [Sts}0) ic We Se eA See AN ey sae 63'| Tarpon Fishing, Tackle for... ............,-+.... 272 Ghassan os Sa, ates ee ee erie enor ees 45 Bluefish in Boston Bay,....20... .s2ec02. ceeeeven 3g | Licking, A Camp on U1 (ee ab We eins on ee. tos 68 | Tarpon in Connecticut. ...............2..-..... 2. 49 | Duke of Sparta, Death of (Dog Chat) ......,...... 10 Bluefishing at Perth Amboy.............. ........ gq | Linkville, The Alluring Charms of......-....... .. 86 | Tarpon in Long Island Waters .. .......,.....- 110 | Rastern Field Trials..........-. - 356, 374, 395 Bluefishing off Fire Island............ esl nee 127, 168 Little Jo Mary, Our Trip to the..........-.... ... IRSA || MUEH ep oCeyaL MaKe lee AR Ae SSR A Shs kh aa ea _..... ....393 | Eastern Field Trials Club Entries. ....-..,.....-. 275° Bluefishing off Seabright.....0......2...-..0.2.4:- naq | Little River Fishing.............----s20+++-+4+s0055 Mii PRA ItOR eA a BEC ce noes ME a eres tgiececistiaets GS a HGZEM Sie sls obs. an rcpt et SB eee ai pees 10 Bluefishing in Great South Bay........ ......... ag | Doftie, Henry... ........5 6 vee ee eee eects 127 | Tautog off Manomet Pomt.. ......-......-.....2.. 87 | Hnglish Setter Ben’s Pedigree,.,............ ....378 Bluefish in Ipswich Bay.......-..y....s.eeyee- oe 149 | Long Lake Fishing .....-..........-+.. ..+.+- ... 313 | Tench for America,,.,.. ..-,.--.-...-- SEY Ce || POU MES CN ino GaotcoobAseurorbenaect fist deer

- Bluefish in Massachusetts.. .............. ill Bei a g | Mackenzie Basin pisheole. os. ..,- 2&: astemnes ea DEH GH GITAMTSROULL x esq au wba’ Lice Cris ctetvesle ask ars 275 | Experiences, A Woman's ET ho et dN Bluetishs Warees set uk. ya. eces sss ee oo. ... .. 27 | Mackerel, A Large.............-.- chirps f9, 187 | The Best is Angling. ............--. cess eee ees 49 | Explanations for Mr. Wade sfete taper be yates $: Bluefish of Buzzard’s Bay.........-. .....--.... _ 49 | Mackerel off IBGVERI Va MLASS cco tele Fr eae oe ees 88 | Thousand Islands, Railway Service to ............ 7 | Frenp Trrat ILLUSTRATIONS:

Bluefish off New London.....--.-02. sesso ee os x; | Maine, Boston Men in........... RED ht he heres _ .. 67 | Trout and Onananiche.......... .s-26c2 5. 298 Barker, Chas., and Promotion,... ... ......... 394 TRUBS, fo ae Repteg ened eos senso e, q47 | Maine Fishing. ............ csi eee eee eee ee eee s7 | Trout and Salmon in Mexico,........-......... ..853 Eastern Field Trials, 1891.............-..-....008 Bleweike NS, canes het ocde eet arene bbs _.,. 197 | Maine Fish and Game .............. ------10..+.. 391 | Trout and Whitefish im Colorado..... .........., 298 Hunter, Mr., and Black Wonder. - ...,.,.......39- Bonitos on Massachusetts Coast. . GH NHL Ga VVELUGT'Se ne tae ee taeetg rest ttre ater raat 252 | Trout, Artificiaily Reared. . ............ .... 345, 471 Hunter, Mr., and Daisy Hunter..............-. Pst la) RE TOnPATI ETON afer pe, SSL erie eo os eater. 25 | Maine Waters, Wish im ............ .. - ...---.4... 410 | Trout, A Strange Capture of....-....... 00... 22 0 68] Owners and Handlers at Eastern Field Trials,

:, Baty SUA HIGI AN OW peg we eet on oe pct pee ag 86 | Mammoth, Angling on...,.......--.--....-...- +s 47 | Trout, Big, from Preston Pond............... .-. 127 eC eat ranaeticdeuu oer ei he = Ss) 60h Broad Ripple, Fishing ou the...._....... nT re, 167 | Mantis Shrimp, The......-.,...-.......-44., He Oe {06 | Trout, Brown ys. Brook.... ............ .02+.-.. 2285 Paxico and Pearl’s Fan .... ..0.c-- sec eee 394. Brook Trout, A Big Brule........,--....6..2-2 0 168 | Mascalonge in Elbow Lake...............+;.221025 A eOmte OAs AIS te oe ors Cee Pee et Seta oes ery 28 White, John, with Duke of Hessen and Count Brook Trout, An Albino...............0.see peeve es 452 | Massacausetts Association.................... 481, 450 | Trout, Colorado... 25. cec-. eee tote cee even ote 28 Gladstoreee sect ee ee eens raat 395. Brook Trout Rearing in Pennsylyania............. Ail NEGTIRAG Cres DTDs Seale eit anterwg) eerell sesh ey 49 | Trout, Feeding Habit of............ 02.60.62 ce eeu ee 372 | Flour City Kennels, The (American Kennels, —y.),472 Galoosahatchee. Fishing....-....... ........-..,. 397 | Minnesota Bass..... “edt el re Era pt raee ep eteoee A 67 | Trout Fishing atthe *‘Soo”,...............--...... 127 | Flossie, Cocker, Death of. . a cate es 287 Canada, American Anglers in ......,........455-5 2g | Minnows in Ponds.. F eee 845. | Trout Wishing in Maine..,...........2. oss seta sees 88 | Foxhounds in England (Dog Cha ty. A. 8 Ae Ok Canada, Fall Fishing in........-...-.2000 At 409 | Muscalonge Record for ibis eo ote patina IGN 128 | Trout in Evergreen Lakes .....................00 49 | Fox-Terriers Miss Dollar and ,Brockeahurst...... 434 Canadian Angling Notes......... 0.0.0... ceeesee es ¢ | Muskoka Lake, Camp Life on,................ 82, 209 | Trouting in Colorado..........-. 5.52. eset eee eae 372 | Fox- Terriers and Barzois, Importation of (Dog Canadian Customs. .....5. cece eceee cece ere eeenes 49 | Mysterious Stocking...............-.... ese 168 | Trouting in Nova Scotia........ TE tee a). Senta Pi! 167 (OLED Meee ed ferermecece elt iyaute nct sine 2 90! Cape Cod Notes...... ra riiaty Us sibetterees ... 68, 128, 168 | Nantucket Fishing. ......... 0. ..esece. cee ee eee eees 187 | Trouting in the Cascades. ..,............ 430, 450, 470 | Fox-Terriers, Sale of (Dog Chat)...............-..404

Carp as Mosquito Destroyers.. ..........-....... 385 | Native Fishes, Rescue of ........... .......... ..101 | Trouting in West PVAL EU Dek le eide Aa iff caterer 62 | Fraudulent Stud Services.... .....-. --- sss. ese 5 ‘CpG A CCA They on Carre pele SSE ers See 30; | Neosho Fish Farm, The.........................:.,69 | Trout Injuries .......... --yyeeee steep eee teers 251 | Freeport Dog Show ........ 72... te<s¢21 eeee- tase 454 @aseapedia, A Morning on the.........-...... ... igg | Nepigon, A Reminiscence of ....,.. ,.........,.,.286 | Trout in Newfoundland... .-....... +--+... .s++.04 372 | Fyke, Importation of (Dog Chat). -,......,..... 434 Castalia Trout......- sats oar ada iet adie 338, a¢4 | New Hingland Waters, ......¢sssce¢ecsscser caterer 8 | Trout of Sault Ste. Marie ..........5..2....0ssee ee 88 | Gallup ys. Belmont (Dog Chat). .. .... . .. 10, 118

PCa HS HePOT SCLIN verre siete fees ope cate ae dete owes 385 | New York Fishing, Henderson Harbor..... ...... 149 | Trout, Rainbow, in Colorade........-.-, ....--.4 .. 8 | Game Protection Club (Dog Chat)... ..... ...... 378 Gatfish of the South.......---.... .2.05. eo a _.. @| New York State Association.......--......:... .. 7 | Trout Season in New York, ..... ......,.2.2 en 167 | German Dog (Great Dane), The..., ........-...-.. 315 Gentral Lake Herrings........ c....2. s.tsee ee 373 | No More Fishing There......... ..s1..:.....109 | Trout Streams, North Carolina.... ........ . ....149 | Gloversville Dog Show..... fete ere het Peet pene AGL Channel Bass, Large etal nebese : Pea Gu datees 187, 253 North Pond, Conn. , Fishing Rights j ra yee cer 305, 814] Trout, Tapeworm in... 1.11.22... cece ee errors 2738 | Gordon Setter Field Trials.......-........5..-255+s 11 Channel Bass at Cape May........ .--....... ... 282 North Sin and Isle Royal................... 48, 62 | Tront Law, The Six Inch....... ........ 4... 405, 412 Gordon Setter Field Trial Trophy, That........... 31 Chicago and the West. .. 27, 49, 88, 128, 166, 233, 253, North Shore; On the... 5.2.65. wesw tee eee ons .6, 126 | Trout VUitel at Teter tl aaa al lAel-lbe ocd OBotece sb § 451 | Greyhounds and Greyhound Judges........,.- ". 1 274, 313, 373, 398, 412, 451 | North Shore, The...........-.....0.. iseyeessee ss SEE USGS oo AB Soo pen Sao: Seouce pocos Me soubasa $i | Greyhound Races at Toronto (Dog Chat)..........190 God, Resultof Planting .. .........:-.... . . 149 IV GSery RINESES, Sass oes carla we cst ale 49, 69, 413 | U.S. Fish Commission, World’s Fair Exhibit..... 312 | Hamilton Dog Show...... ................. 33, 150, 165 Qolorado Outing, A.. .......-. eee eee ee 102, 122 Oneida Lake Wishing... 20.2.0 2 0. cece ee eee 28 | U.S, Fish Commission, Work of..............-...- 210 | Hamilton Kennel Club Entries............,....--+- 129 Commodore Club, The........-....--..... in ee 273 | Ontario Fish and Game WOMIMDISSIONs: ores reese 41 | Vermont Fish and Game League............ .825, 382 | Horace (Mastiff), Death of (Dog Chat) ..,,.---..... 314 Conger Mel, Larval ...-...0.....-2. 0002... eee 352 | Ouananiche and Landlocked Salmon............. 8 | Worms, Brought to Surface......., ..2......2.... 36 | Hospice of St. Bernard Fund, The ................206 @onnecticut Trout Season.... :......-..... 2.1... 3 | Ouinaniche, Ledge Fishing for.................... 251 | Washington Anglers............... ---- ---.+.--4. 210 | Hound Makes a Point, The ............, Pits, 9) Cormorant Fishing.........-...-.--: , 186, 208, 231, 252 (ORES Wem 54 Acard me ett 845i eqocsatet hoc 98 | Watching the Néts............ .- »- piel PES Pet ees 472 | Howard, Harry, Death of (Dog Chat)............. 51 Grappies in Ponds....... .........- ae eae ee 432 | Oysters in Southern Oalifornia........ ... ....-. 234 | White Bass Pishing.....:6:..c-2e.8 pee cee) eee ees 352 ; Ilford Chancellor, Death of............-... .--:++ 434 Oruise of the IBIaAVTOL op aka a oaks Gano eoe oer Leki ae 165 | Palmier’s Lake, Texas. 2... 5... 0. seresese 1s. 446 | White Bass Fishing in Sandusky Bay.... ........292 | International Field Trial Club’s Derby Eatries,,. 255 Curiosities Among Fishes, . ee eee meearl bighery AL ® Pe cessor hiss seer eres 228 || Whitefish, Feeding Habits of..............-.... ..471 | International Field Trials Club........-...-...-045 353 Cuttyhunk Bass, ....- Lee Bonen See et1 0) PEerebeversms Leouten cc es sateccaga< totem of ye, Seer 186 |\ Whitefish, Habits of, in Ponds.......... Se Sscqou5 408 | qrish Setter, The.... 2.8.2... 004-00. 2-2s ees es = 214 Dead Lake, Minn,, A Week on....... .......--.... 73 | Pickerel and Gold Wateh .............. .....00-5. 128 || Whitefish of St. TORNGRLVEDR abn ees ee rete 333 | Irish Setters Change Owners, Noted............... 128 Delaware River Fishing,............ .....- - _,_... 149 | Pike County, A Novice in........... SL HAGE et SHEESH 109 | White Perch in Maine...... Gspasace dit stan oes. 187 | Irish Setter Club’s Field Trials, The. 11, 128, 877, 394

Be DerryheldsBeet. eye keak ony es Sees D tL, oud Pike Hatching on Oneida Lake................. 245 SABES SAV Se PUL yin e+ otenysonstseele mtinln bipia erapviel sera) siefatels 50 | Irish Setter Club’s Derby Entries......--..-.. -19t

Druid Hill Park Ducksand Bass ....+.......... ,.332 | Pike-Perch (“Salmon”), Large, in the Tuscarawas.234 | Yellowstone Park Fishes...... vil; Ph prt te Sas ts 185, 392 | Irrish Setter Trials’ All-Age Stake..,,........., . “Rn Dynamiters BEG scien henry al ata A eee 427 | Pollution of the Susquehanna, .;-.:.: .-:..--.:-.) 431 | Yellowstone Park, Stocking of... ............ ...305 | Irish Setter Club Meeting,. ....-..,.....00-0.0-, .1T


ess SiS a,

Page trish Setter Coleraine, Importation of..... ....... 130 Irish Setter Finglas, Purchase of (Dog Cha") ..... 112 Irish Terrier Importations (Dog Chat)... ... .... 454 is It Not Worth Considering?................. 111, 140 Judging at New York .....2 ...cc cesses eects eneeee i) King Regent, St. Bernard (Portrait of)........ ... 29 Kingstom Dog Show.............e-eeee eee eee 130, 149 Kingston Regent, Purchase of (Dog Chat) ....... 90 Lady Bianca and Geraldine (Dog Chat)... ........338 Mee O wr py Av. cee es. GBs eh ocul. (ed tonto ae PER 237 Lexington Dog Show (Report).........::54es2. see 210 Lord Bute, Importation of (Dog Chat)..........-.. 170 ord Clover’s Pedigree....... ... 237, 296, 358, 398, 473 Mackelcom Corrected, Mr .........<+02..055 «sees 52 Mastiffs, Breeders’ Stake for............ 0... eeeeee 237 Mastiffs at New York... .....cee cess cece eee eee 9, 31 Mastiff Judging at New York........,..-.-........ 70 Massachusetts “Bloodhounds,”’ The. . B87 Massachusetts Siberian TBIOGanOnS | PARSE Laie g tex BBY Merced Meet, The,..... 2.0.66. cere ne ee 376 Moha wit: SHOW. .2. 168 que Sone eneov eure om ns 256 Montreal Dog Show ....... -......+--...-- 91, 191, 212 New England Field Trials ................2.. 225. 386 New England Field Trial Mntries..... ............ Bld Notes and Notions....... 50, 180, 215, 286, 276, 297, 357, 8738, 484 Organic Kivolution (Dog Chat) ......-......-.... 277 Ottawa Dog Show......... Senay ears oh 213, 234, 278 Cur Dogmenin England... ... ..... .-.+4- «+. .205 Sepa thy lcs DER (eae Miber nat rs Subcodoosdacons OOF 50, 111 Pearl of Pekin Incident, The ....,..-. 287, 357, 398, 453 Pedigrees, False in Texas (Dog Chat} .... ....... 51 Perey, William Chaille, Death of........ ......... 358 Philadelphia Kennel Club’s Field Trials.. ..,.433, 453 Philadelphia KC; Derby Entries... ........... oO Philadelphia K. C, Field Trial Entries............. 314 Philadelphia Withdraws........... ... .. .-- 275, 296 Philadelphia K. C. Withdraws (Dog Chat) ........ 277 Plinlimmon, Death of (Dog Chat) ....... ........ 434 - Pointer Fan N., Purchase of (Dog Chat)........... 112 Previous Sire, Influence of a ......+.... 0... 12... 31 Princess Florence Arrives..... ... Woiaiens Suit Sem ateeje 315 Princess Florence, Importation of (Dog Chat)..... 277 Prince Regent and Scottish Prince, Death of (DNB) Peas ons sen keeis heya epee oy a Lies 71 Promotion, Purchase of (Dog Chat)... ....... 416, 434 JRO Ollegnin nh Mich Moneta otiecesoteneRObrr On sis Beit. te 474 SEAVER Oran ae, Caren m Bod tyke pcs B87 Puise of the Dog, The.......... cacee wee ee AD Rabies (Dor What) sas saccscs Fees voonseeey ens 112 Repeal of Bloodhound Law in Massachusetts [OBS Teg LON AZ 8 rere Okt reine accion Oc pr 27 Retrospect, 1891. s/t ian rca -472 Rockfora Dog Show Reno Mies Pel nine. fd 434 Rosedale Ruby, Purchase of (Dog Chat) ........, 255 Ruby Norah, Irish Terrier, Importation of (Dog (OTe | Ce ee cee ph ec merpesnetversts fille 297 Rules of the A. K. Cc. Changes in ... 454 Run the Dogs on Their Merits.,....... ..........25 278 Saybrook Lass, Death of (Dog Chat)....... ...... 129 Self Showing Mastiffs.. ... ............. ect) Siberian Bloodhound, The........ ........ .....-5 3238 Sheepdog Trials (Dog Chat)................ Sana 297 Sheepdog Trials, 1892.... .. 2.0... cee eee yee eee 52 PICITULPUISCABOS ba Dele phate. sie-ryect leks ose sietaly citusle(t crore ny Bae 89 Some Noted Dogs Change Hands...... Br ere eg SUR te 10 South Carolina P. and P. S. Association, The eee Ml Southerm Field Trial Entries. .................... 357 Spaniels, Mr. Keasby’s ..........5 22. s.....--s, 151 Spaniels Used for Sport............... ....--. 215 316 Specialty Clubs for Hyil, Power of.... ........... 52 St. Bernard Refuge II., importation of,(Deg Chat)298 Stewart A. D. (Portrait of).............se0es....00. 191 Streatham Monarch, Bull-Terrier.,................ 128 Swiss Mountain Kennels (American Kennels-ty.). 29 Taylor’s Oleo Falsely Registered................... 118 Teeth, Imperfect Development... ..... .......... 50 SPEXAR OM LOLGME TI AIS 0s leche e semitone tlle: of-paat eapumiee 416 This Will Suit Prof. Romanes........... ..... 22.05 475 ‘Toronto Dog Show....... . -...s.0ss. 91, 171, 187, 235 Troevectie, The Doom of............-... 02.02.0005 9} United States Field Trials ........,....-.4... 817, 334 Onited States Field Trials Club Entries . . .......297 United States Field Trial Club’s Derby Entries. ...171 PESO Cy SAN CN mas ha lltelstsige dt ital aeemph